Selasa, 29 November 2011

Legacy of Integrity

By the grace of God, I have a chance to be taught by Dr Chris Marantika. He is one unique man of God. Coming from a very limited background, he has emerged and still emerging in his 72 years of age as a history maker for His Majesty's glory. Amazed....

72 years old man, sharper than any of us in the classroom. Mind faster than my 33 years old brain.

A man with integrity and love for the lost.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Were Leaders Born or Made?

Centuries ago, in the ages of Kings and Queens, leaders are determined by blood line, heritage and ownership. In the process of modern civilization, there has been a shift where people appointed their leaders based on their ability and affluences especially in times of major crisis.

We are all made by God's perfect image, we are also spiritually the sons and daughters of the King of kings. We are all born to be leaders, yet we are also made to be leaders by our circumstances and communities.

Where we come from is not as important as where we are going, nonetheless we pick up things along the way that would shape us either as leaders or as followers.

Whether it is by nature or nurture, we are all created as leaders within ourselves. Born and made.

At any given point in our lives, we shall be either a leader, a follower or even both at the same time in different circumstances. In a household, a school, a company, a church, a community and even in a nation. The discussion surrounded on how we became leaders should only be highlighted with the fact that during our lives here on earth, we have led others towards Christ. Leaders who lead by example on how Christ has regarded our helpless estate and shed His blood for us all.

God bless,
Astrid Suryatenggara

--sent from Astrid S®'s mailroom--

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Never Asked For

I never asked for big diamond rings
Nor a fancy car
Nor a palace..
But I asked God for
A vision ..a purpose...a mission
That is only His for me to

I pursue no worldly rich
Nor fame and fortune
But ,Yes, I pursue after my Father's heavenly treasures
And my King's pleasures

I enjoy no glamours of the world
Nor its promises and kindness
I just want to enjoy being in my Father's bosom
To hear every beat of His merciful heart
That never ceases to say "I LOVE YOU"

(~by antaresa hendita, kemang, nov 16,2011~)